Zenoss Core setup guide

Posted by 4Aiur on 12/16/2011 in SysAdmin |

Zenoss Core setup guide

Zenoss Core is a powerful monitoring system, and it is a OpenSource software.

Install Zenoss Core
Install ZenPacks
Setup snmp and snmpd config
Add user command
Add a single device
Add custom Device Class
Custom new class properties
Setup Processes
Custom Zenoss reports

Install Zenoss Core

Before you install:

1) Run the Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM), which you will use to install Zenoss. To run YUM, enter this command:

# yum -y install mysql-server.x86_64 mysql-devel.x86_64 net-snmp.x86_64 \
        net-snmp-utils.x86_64 gmp.x86_64 libgomp.x86_64 libgcj.x86_64 \
        liberation-fonts.noarch sysstat.x86_64 fping.x86_64

2) Download the Zenoss installation files.

# mkdir /opt/package
# cd /opt/package
# wget "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/zenoss/zenoss-3.2/zenoss-3.2.0/zenoss-3.2.0.el5.x86_64.rpm"

3) If you have just installed MySQL, then use the following command to add MySQL into the startup sequence:

# /sbin/chkconfig --add mysqld

4) Enter the following command to display current run levels:

# /sbin/chkconfig --list mysqld

5) If the system responds with something similar to:

mysqld 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off

then enter the following command to adjust run levels:

# /sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 mysqld on

6) Restart MySQL and set the password.

    Do not add a space between the single quotes in the following commands.

# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart
# /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password ''
# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password ''

    Initially, the MySQL password must be blank so that Zenoss can correctly create the database. After you have installed and started Zenoss, you can change this password.

Install the Software

Follow these steps to install Zenoss for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or CentOS 5.

1) Enter one of the following commands to install the Zenoss RPM.

# rpm -ivh zenoss-3.2.0.el5.x86_64.rpm

2) If MySQL is running on a different server, or has a different root user password, edit the /opt/zenoss/bin/ zenoss_init_pre file and adjust the MYSQLHOST, MYSQLROOTUSER, and MYSQLROOTPASSWD values.

3) Enter this command to start Zenoss.

# service zenoss start

    This step may take several minutes.

Install ZenPacks

Setup snmp and snmpd config

add snmp.conf to zenoss server /etc/snmp/snmp.conf.
snmp.conf example:

defversion 3
defsecurityname yourname
defsecuritylevel authNoPriv
defauthtype MD5
defauthpassphrase yourpassword

add snmpd.conf to client /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.
snmpd.conf example:

createUser yourname MD5 "yourlonglonglonglongpassword" DES
rouser yourname auth -V yourview

#                     sec.model    sec.name
group monitorGroup    usm         yourname

#       name          incl/excl    subtree         mask(optional)
view    yourview    included     .
view    yourview    included     .

#       group         context sec.model sec.level prefix read       write  notif
access  monitorGroup  ""      any       auth      exact  yourview none none

syslocation Undefined
syscontact NOC 

# "Pass-through" MIB extension command
pass . /usr/share/doc/net-snmp-

Add user command for debug snmp setting

  1. Go to http://yourhost:8080/zport/dmd/dataRootManage
  2. Click "Add User Command"
  3. Input value
    Name: snmpwalkV3
    Description: snmpwalk using version 3
    Command: snmpwalk -${device/zSnmpVer} -l authNoPriv -u ${device/zSnmpSecurityName} -A ${device/zSnmpAuthPassword} -a ${device/zSnmpAuthType} ${here/manageIp} system

Add a single device

  • Go to http://yourhost:8080/zport/dmd/itinfrastructure
  • Click "Add a Single Device"
  • Input items
  • Click "Zenoss Server", and Click left "Configuration Properties" to edit the server’s properties
    • zSnmpVer: v3
    • zSnmpSecurityName: yourname
    • zSnmpAuthPassword: yourlonglonglonglongpassword
    • zSnmpAuthType: MD5
  • Click "Commands –> snmpwalkV3" verify server and client snmp configuration
  • Click "Actions –> Model Device"

Add custom Device Class

Custom new class properties


using zenoss portal

using zenoss manage and zendmd

1) Login to Zenoss as "admin" and go to the URL http://yourhost:8080/zport/dmd/Devices/manage
2) Click left "your new class name", and click top "Properties"
3) To add a new property, enter a name, type and value for the new property and click the "Add" button.
Name: zCollectorPlugins
Type: lines


  • zenoss.snmp.NewDeviceMap
  • zenoss.snmp.DeviceMap
  • zenoss.snmp.InterfaceMap
  • zenoss.snmp.RouteMap
  • zenoss.snmp.IpServiceMap
  • zenoss.snmp.HRFileSystemMap
  • zenoss.snmp.HRSWInstalledMap
  • zenoss.snmp.HRSWRunMap
  • zenoss.snmp.CpuMap

Name: zDeviceTemplates
Type: lines


  • b_fping
  • Device
  • FileSystem

Name: zIcon
Type: string
Value: /zport/dmd/img/icons/server.png
Name: zSnmpAuthType
Type: string
Value: MD5
Name: zSnmpVer
Type: string
Value: v3

4) Login zendmd, change default snmp auth password

# su - zenoss
$ zendmd
>>> dmd.Devices.yourclassname.zSnmpAuthPassword = 'yourlonglonglonglongpassword'
>>> commit()

Add Custom Schema

Setup Processes

Zenoss API

Zenoss have jsonapi and xmlrpc interface, you can using it’s API to integrate your management system.
jsonapi code demo:

def add_device(self, deviceName, deviceClass, title,
                productionState=1000, model=False):
    data = dict(deviceName=deviceName, deviceClass=deviceClass,
                title=title, productionState=productionState, model=model)
    return self._router_request('DeviceRouter', 'addDevice', [data])

xmlrpc code demo:

def add_device(self, deviceName, devicePath, tag):
    url = 'http://%s:%s@%s/zport/dmd/DeviceLoader' % (self.username,
            self.password, self.zenoss_host)
    serv = ServerProxy(url)
    serv.loadDevice(deviceName, devicePath, tag)

Custom Zenoss Reports

Column syntax

buildin command:


python command:


custom python script:


Goto http://yourhost:8080/zport/dmd/Devices/manage first.


Input script name getMemUtil(), and input content like this:

total_memory = context.hw.totalMemory
mem_avail_real = context.getRRDValue('memAvailReal_memAvailReal')
mem_cached = context.getRRDValue('memCached_memCached')
if total_memory and mem_avail_real and mem_cached:
    print '%.2f%%' % ((total_memory - (mem_avail_real + mem_cached) * 1024) / total_memory * 100)
return printed

Send report email

cat  $ZENHOME/scripts/emailSummaryDailyReport.sh
$ZENHOME/bin/reportmail \
--user=username \
--passwd= yourlonglonglonglongpassword \
--from="noc@foo.com" \
--address="noc@foo.com" \
--address="ops@bar.com" \
--subject="Zenoss: System Summary Daily Report" \

Add it into crontab

0 20 * * * /opt/zenoss/scripts/emailSummaryDailyReport.sh 2>&1 >/dev/null


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