OpenShift Command Line Interface
OpenShift Command Line Interface Working With Domains Creating a Domain rhc domain create -n DomainName -l rhlogin -p password [OptionalParameters] Deleting a Domain rhc domain show -l rhlogin rhc app destroy -a -l rhlogin rhc domain destroy -n -l rhlogin Viewing User Information rhc domain show -l rhloging Creating Applications Supported app types: nodejs-0.6 jbossas-7 […]
Deploy application on OpenShift
Deploy application on OpenShift Prepare environment Install OpenShift client command line tool gem install rhc Generate a new SSH key ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/rhcloud -C “” edit ~/.ssh/config Host * IdentityFile ~/.ssh/rhcloud Create a Namespace rhc-create-domain -n namespace -a ~/.ssh/rhcloud -l rhlogin Create a application, and clone the git reposity rhc-create-app -a webpy […]